Frontline Mom

The Top Three Principles of a Front Line Mom

June 3, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

As I’ve mentioned before in previous blog posts, I’m a busy woman. I’m a wife, a mother of two young children, and an active marketing professional. With so many things on my plate, it can seem impossible to maintain a healthy, balanced lifestyle without going nuts at the end of the day. And I know I’m not the only one. Whether by choice or necessity, millions of moms work outside the home and handle this demanding juggling act.

This is why I’ve created the Top Three Principles of a Front Line Mom; they’re for the woman who’s chosen family and career, because, why not have it all? Whenever I’m feeling tired, overwhelmed, stressed, or just plain uninspired, I read these principles and get back to work.

Take care of yourself, first We are all familiar with the rule on an airplane during an emergency which says to place the oxygen mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting children or adults. The same principle applies in life. It is very important to take care of your own health before you can expect to have the energy to help others. This means being responsible for your own physical, emotional and spiritual needs. So take that warm bath, watch your favorite TV show or read a chapter in your favorite self-help book without feeling guilty about it.

Avoid the superwoman syndrome  There are simply not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything on your to-do list. Acknowledge this fact by setting realistic goals or lists, delegating a few tasks to your husband or children (even if they are not done the way you want them to be) and you may even find time to rest. (See principle #1).

Simplify complicated tasks Examine your regular chores and create new ways to accomplish complicated tasks. For example, instead of preparing every meal and side dish from scratch, consider slow-cooking meats in the Crockpot, buying ready-made salads and quick steaming fresh vegetables. Tip: I often ask my husband how he would do a task. More often than not, his method is much simpler than mine.

What frontlinemom principles do you embrace?


Two Kids and Me

May 31, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

I love my kids – aged 15 months and 4 years.  And they love each other.  The challenge is that recently they both want me  – at the same time – all the time.  I’m very pleased to be in demand but its makes takes a bio break, writing this post or making coffee all the more challenging.  The sibling rivalry recently got more intense – now when one wants me to pick him up – then other wants me to hold her too.   If my daughter is sitting in my lap my son has now decided he needs to get a piece of action too.    My daughter recently complained that I only have time for the baby – I felt bad – but I had just spent hours at the park with her along so not sure I really got it either.  Oh well, again, nice to be in demand.

Most times I find this extra attention amusing but sometimes I just need a break.  Long live the Saturday afternoon escape to get a pedicure!   I’m doing my best to find activities that both like – and my daughter sure does love helping me take care of her little brother.  On Memorial Day we took out the double wide stroller and ran to the local parade – it was a blast.  I got my exercise and the kids enjoyed the firetrucks, marching bands and free candy too.     My husband stayed home to install our new swing set – thank goodness they each now have their own favorite swing and I’ve already perfected the art of pushing them both at the same time. 

We’re working on sharing and doing things as a family – hopefully it is paying off – to teach the kids that they can each have me (and my husband) without losing out when the other has that special time. 

How do you you teach your kids to share (you)?


Frontlinemom Here

May 31, 2011 by · Leave a Comment 

At long last! My fits and starts are hopefully over. I have relaunched my personal blog where my plan is to talk about the fun and challenges of being on the front line – staying on the top of my career and trying to be an innovative marketing while helping my family thrive. As a time-starved marketing professional juggling the run and chaos as a mother of two young kids, I’ve always got multiple balls in the air so blogging is going to have to be a new discipline for me. No more unpublished posts backlogs! Okay, almost no more… I’m going to blog about being a Mom, about ideas related to marketing & innovation, about my global perspectives (I lived most of the 1990s in South America/Europe) and about my hobby of choice – trying to stay fit.

Why is my blog called Frontlinemom? Well, I very often feel like I am fighting on the frontline – with deadlines, household chores, work assignments and the like, but still enjoying the excitement of the battle so to speak. In this blog, I’ll try to share some tips about being on the frontline, and trying to make it all work. I also invite you to share yours with me. My first tip is to put things in perspective – when push comes to shove – ask yourself what are you really fighting for?

How do you survive on the frontline? What are your tips for making it all work?