Frontline Mom
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Mother’s Day is Everyday

Happy Mother’s Day! Today we celebrate being a Mom. It is a very special day…breakfast in bed for some, brunch out for others..presents, guests, special outings and the like. I was delighted with the special crafts and plants my little kids made and grew for me at their school. Today, they woke me up with a special card and their smiles were enough to make my heart melt. All week my... [Read more]

The Lessons Mr. Kat Taught Me

My feline friend Mr. Kat crossed the Rainbow Bridge Friday night, after a relatively short – and noble – fight with cancer. He died relatively peacefully at our sides, on his favorite spot on the bed at the age of 12, battered by rounds of chemo and with one missing eye which had been removed in a last ditch attempt to somehow preserve his remaining quality of life. Our family did everything... [Read more]

The Gift of Family Gifting Through the Generations

This past week at work, a colleague shared a story of how her Grandmother recently gave her on her thirtieth birthday a piece of jewelry from her own Grandmother stored in a special box from her Great-Grandmother. My colleague was very proud that her Grandmother, now in her late eighties, had chosen to wait until this very birthday to pass along the string of pearls and the pretty box, two items her... [Read more]

A Little Spice of New

With the dark cold days winter upon us, I sometimes feel the natural inclination to settle into my ways, hibernate a little more and stick closer to my knitting. I guess when it is 9 degrees outside that’s only normal but in my opinion, not for long. Sure, I’m all about having a routine and counting on some predictability in life but I am also a believer in adding a spice of newness as... [Read more]

Three Sins of Customer Service

Few things bug me more than a business that claims me to be their customer when they don’t treat me like one. A few examples: Example one: “Thank you (not) for your business”. My daughter was in a gymnastics class for two years. She loved the class, and each month I set aside hard-earned money to ensure she could attend. After two years, it was time for her to move on as she... [Read more]

The Toys of Childhood

My kids have been enjoying all the great gifts they got from their relatives and from Santa. Enjoying with them all the last Christmas loot to arrive in the house got me thinking about all those fun holiday gifts I remember I was lucky enough to get as a kid, Legos, Lincoln Logs, TinkerToys and simple wooden blocks made for countless hours of city and building building outside my apartment building... [Read more]

The Resolution for no Resolutions

My friend who works in a gym told me that by March 1 many of her eager customers start to fade away. I know what is it like to give up on a plan but only 8 weeks after what was likely a New Year’s resolution to “work out more” seems to be to be too much of a defeat. This time of year comes with some painful/expected revelations about the depth of our commitments to keeping New Year’s... [Read more]

Cabin Fever

I can’t complain about the winter this year. It has been particularly warm, March-like most of the season. Except today, after a light snow dusting yesterday, the cold hit. So much for my 4 mile run outside – 13 degrees is too cold for me to run outside. The last time I ran outside in this kind of weather my lungs froze…looks like it will be the treadmill today. Living in the... [Read more]

A Story of Courage – Gabby Giffords

I recently watched a multiple tissue program on 20/20 profiling Gabby Giffords and her new book A Story of Courage authored with her husband astronaut Mark Kelly. Roughly one year ago a tragedy struck that stunned the nation and hit me particularly hard. On January 8, 2011 the democratic congresswoman was critically injured while speaking at a Town Hall outside a supermarket by a gun-wielding twenty... [Read more]

Giving Thanks…after Thanksgiving

Tried as I might I did not get a post up at Thanksgiving time talking about how much I am grateful for and how I’m working to ensure my kids are grateful for their blessings too. Good news is that at this start of the New Year, I could transform my blog draft into a post about being grateful all year long – not just focusing on the big Thanksgiving day. That makes more sense anyway –... [Read more]

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